Garea – Yogur Mix
- Region: España Galicia
- Sector: Yoghurt Dairy products
Long life spoon yoghurt Garea brand in Packs of 4x125 Gr. Flavours fruit mix, strawberry & natural . Do not need cold. From 100% Galician fresh milk that comes only from the farms of our partners
Clun-Cooperativas Lácteas Unidas
The cooperative Clun(Cooperativas Lácteas Unidas) was born from the union fo Feiraco, Os Irmandiños and Melisanto with the vocation of being a reference in the Galician agricultural and livestock sector. Clun has 3.500 members, to whom it provides the best supplies and integral services necessary for the efficient management of their farms. In addition, its dairy division focuses its activity on the collection, packaging and distribution of milk and other dairy products, under the brands Únicla, Clesa, Feiraco and Arquega.